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Table 1 Laboratory findings at both times of admission and discharge

From: Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome after phenytoin administration in an adolescent patient: a case report and review of literature

Initial findings at time of admission

Hemoglobin 10.4 g/dl

Albumin 3.1 g/dl

Prothrombin time 11.7 s, partial thromboplastin time 29 s

Platelets 105,000/mm3

Alkaline phosphatase 459 U/l

Anti-smooth muscle and anti-liver kidney microsomal antibodies were negative

White blood cells 10.45 × 103/μl

Gamma-glutamyl transferase 964 U/l

Hepatitis profile was all negative

Neutrophils 4.83 × 103/μl

Total bilirubin 4.3 mg/dl

EBV & CMV IgMs were negative, monospot test was negative as well

Lymphocytes 3.80 × 103/μl

Direct bilirubin 4 mg/dl

Respiratory viral panel was negative

Eosinophil 1.60 × 103/μl

Creatinine 0.72 mg/dl

ANA, anti-dsDNA and anti-histone were all negative

Alanine aminotransferase 1198 IU/l

CRP 4.7 mg/dl

Urine analysis, urine culture, blood culture, stool culture and throat swap culture were all negative

Aspartate Aminotransferase 1338 IU/l

Erythrocytes sedimentation rate 27 mm/h

Blood film showed atypical lymphocytes (Fig. 5)

10 days later at time of discharge

 Hemoglobin 10.9 g/dl

 Total bilirubin 2.07 mg/dl

 Direct bilirubin 1.68 mg/dl

 Aspartate aminotransferase 31 IU/l

 Alanine aminotransferase 96 IU/l

 White blood cells 9.7 × 103/μl

 Platelets 288,000/mm3