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Table 6 Major food allergens and components available for molecular diagnostics using ImmunoCAP (or ImmunoCAP ISAC)

From: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of diagnostic methods in adult food allergy

Allergens (or allergen source)

Protein family

Cupin superfamily


Ara h 1 (peanut)


Ara h 3 (peanut), Cor 9 (hazelnut)

Prolamin superfamily

 2S albumin

Ber e 1 (brazil nut), Ara h 2 (peanut), Gly m 6

 Lipid transfer protein (LTP)

Pru p 3 (peach), Cor 8 (hazelnut), Art v 3 (Composite) Jug r 3 (walnut)

 Cereal prolamines

Tri 19 (wheat) Tri a 14

Pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins

 PR10: intracellular proteins

Pru p 1 (peach), Api g 1 (celery), Gly m 4 (soy)

 PR3: chitinase Class 1

Hev b 11, Hev b 2.6 (latex, banana, avocado)


Pru p 4 (peach) (Bet v 2, Phl p 12, Hev b 8)

 Cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants

MUXF3 (celery, tomato)


Pen a 1 (shrimp)

Calcium binding proteins


Gad c 1 (codfish)

 Milk proteins

Bos d 4 (α-albumin), Bos d 5 (β-lactoglobulin), Bos d 8 (casein), Bos d lactoferrin (lactoferrin)

 Egg protein

Gal d 1 (ovomucoide)

Gal d 2 (ovalbumin)

Gal d 3 (conalbumin)

Gal d 4 (lysozyme)