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Table 1 “Questionnaire distributed to the participating Italian general practitioners (GPs)”

From: The perception of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnoea Syndrome (OSAHS) among Italian general practitioners

1. What is the definition commonly used for OSAHS?

A) Daytime sleepiness associated with irregular breathing at night


B) Episodes of paroxysmal dyspnea caused by obstruction of the upper and lower respiratory tract


C) Obstructive Sleep apnea induced by gastroesophageal reflux


D) Obstructive Sleep Apnea induced by persistent rhinitis characterized by nasal obstruction


E) Obstructive Sleep Apnea induced by nocturnal asthmatic attack

2. In the western countries, which is the males prevalence of OSAHS ?

A) 2%


B) 4%


C) 8%


D) 10%

3. In the western countries, which is the females prevalence of OSAHS?

A) 2%


B) 4%


C) 8%


D) 10%

4. Among your patients, how many have a diagnosis of OSAHS?

A) No one


B) 0–5


C) 5–10


D) >10

5. The number of OSAHS patients in recent years has been:

A) Stationary


B) In growth


C) In reduction


D) Do not know

6. OSAHS episodes of apnea/hypopnea can be of type:

A) Obstructive


B) Central


C) Mixed


D) All of the above


E) Restrictive

7. Is it true that obese people present a higher risk of developing OSAHS?

A) Yes


B) No


C) Yes, but only women and children


D) Yes, but also normal weight individuals can be affected

8. What is the prevalence of OSAHS in the hypertensive patients?

A) <5%


B) Between 10 and 20%


C) Between 20-40%


D) > 50%

9. Do you think that OSAHS should be considered an independent cardiovascular risk factor?

A) Yes


B) No


C) I don’t know

10. Are you aware of the questionnaire referred to as “Epworth Sleepiness Scale”?

A) Yes, I use it in my professional activity


B) Yes, but do not use it


C) No, I do not know

11. In the suspected diagnosis of OSAHS, what is the specialist that you turn more often in the first place?

A) ENT Specialist


B) Pulmonologist


C) Allergist


D) Internist


E) Multidisciplinary Team


F) Speech Therapist


G) Psychologist/Psychiatrist

12. When accessing the specialist’s assessment, which are the main problems you encounter?

A) Waiting time


B) Costs


C) Communication with the specialist


D) Degree of belief of the patient

13. Which exam do you see as the most crucial for an accurate diagnosis of OSAHS ?

A) Spirometry


B) Maxilo-facial CT


C) Determination of nocturnal oximetry in continuous


D) Polysomnography




F) ECG Holter with integrated pressure arterial Holter

14. What is the OSAHS treatment of choice?

A) Nasal septum plastic intervention


B) Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)


C) Treatment with topical nasal steroids


D) Topical association therapy with bronchial Long Acting Bronchodilators (LABAs) and steroids (iCSs)


E) Nocturnal Oxygen continuous




G) Intraoral Orthodontic Devices


H) Sleeping pharmacological agent (like benzodiazepines)


I) Psychological approach


L) Yoga

15. When C-PAP is prescribed, patient reaction to the treatment is predominantly of :

A) Total refusal


B) Total adherence


C) Lack of acceptance

16. Who primarily has the responsibility of educating and supporting the patient in correcting and adjusting the C-PAP?”



B) Specialist


C) Nurse


D) Respiratory Physiotherapist